Big-picture thinking.
Strategic planning.
Leading by serving.
On Gallup's CliftonStrengths Assessment, my top strength is intellection. While that sounds like I may sit around all day and stroke my imaginary beard, what it actually means is that I make a great thought partner.
Three of my five top strengths are in the category of Strategic Thinking. (The other two are in relationship building and execution, meaning we can have an enjoyable time working together and will actually get something done!)
Some of the recent ways I have flexed my strategic planning muscles:
Serving as President of a large professional ESL organization in the DFW as we organized initiatives around partnerships, internal affairs, external affairs, & philanthropy​
Leading the steering committee for a statewide educational conference from conception to completion, including a budget, project timeline, event branding, & goal setting
Developing a theoretical framework and program implementation strategy for a major higher education well-being initiative and designing related collateral (slide decks, graphics)​
Writing a successful proposal and project management plan for a grant-funded student success initiative that directly benefited pre-service teachers at a regional university in Texas
Additionally, here are some other committees I've served on or led in the past few years:
TexTESOLV State Conference Steering Committee*
TexTESOLV Regional Conference Online Registration Committee*
TexTESOLV Scholarship Committee
School of Education Student Affairs Committee*
University Academic Affairs
School of Education Academic Affairs Committee
University Curriculum Committee
Linguistics Adjunct Hiring Committee*
Faculty Web Advisory Committee
Charles E. Butt Scholarship Selection Ad-Hoc Committee
Teaching Observations Ad-Hoc Committee
Quality Enhancement Plan Sub-Committee for
Foundations of Learning Course
Faculty Awards Committee
Search Committee - Senior Lecturer for Educational Administration
*Denotes service as committee chair

Strategic Thinking
Relationship Building
Strategeic Thinking
Strategic Thinking